Ever since the Passenger Assistance app was released, we’ve loved seeing all of the real-life journeys that have been taken using the app and how it has helped many disabled people find comfort in both travelling alone and travelling by rail. From football matches to travelling to work, check out how you’ve been using the app!
Meet Alice Ella, also known as ‘@itsaliceella‘ on Instagram. Before the Passenger Assistance app, as a wheelchair user, Alice found it really difficult to travel alone making her feel like her sense of independence was taken away. She felt like she always had to have her boyfriend travel with her to carry her bags and push her wheelchair. However, the app has now changed the game for her as she can ensure beforehand that she’ll be met at the station and helped with her luggage, have her chair pushed and get her onto the train for a safe and stress-free journey.
This is Georgina Awasdell, ‘@georginaawasdell‘, she recently went to visit her long-distance best friend all with the help of the Passenger Assistance app.
Here’s Clara Holmes, also known as ‘@rollinfunky‘ on Instagram, using the Passenger Assistance app to help her travel around by rail. Clara was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) a form of Hypermobility Syndrome (HMS) meaning she has been a full-time wheelchair user for about 14 years. The Passenger Assistance app has taken away some stress from her travels and given her more independence.

Meet Emma, ‘@Simplyemmablog‘ on Instagram. With the help of the Passenger Assistance app, Emma took her first train journey in two years! With just a few clicks, she entered all her requirements into the app meaning that once she arrived at the station, staff already knew what she needed. The app has allowed Emma to feel spontaneous as she doesn’t have to plan her journeys too far in advance. If you need some inspiration on where to take your next trip, check out our ‘Wheelchair-friendly walks in Derbyshire‘ blog post.

Here we have Charlie, also known as ‘@n_q_p_c‘ on Instagram, a young wheelchair user with Cerebral Palsy. Charlie is a huge advocate of the Passenger Assistance app, sharing that he believes it makes getting the train for disabled people so much easier. He’s shared so many of his journeys to social media showing how much it helps him travel, whether its for work or pleasure.

We loved seeing Judith Smale, ‘@judith_wheel_travel‘, using the Passenger Assistance app to travel to Newcastle to watch a football game! Judith is a wheelchair user who enjoys getting out and about, so has used the app many times since its launch to request her assistance.

Amy, ‘@chronically_good_life‘, is another huge lover of our app as she is someone who regularly posts her journeys and specifies how the app allows her to commute more by train. She often uses the app for her journeys into college and days out with her friends.

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