Defining Disability

Part 2 of 5 in our Social Model of Disability Blog Series…

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Central heading reads "Defining Disability" in black and pink font on a pale grey background. Black text beneath this reads "Part 2 of 5 in our Social Model series..." Black circular photo top right of a hand holding a white and gold sign that reads "Let's get social" in capital letters and black font. Passenger Assistance logo top left, a teal P with Passenger Assistance to its right in black.

The Social Model of Disability makes a very clear distinction between disability and impairment. 

“a focus not on the individual and impairment as the problem but on the need to address social, economic and environmental barriers” 

– Jenny Morris

Pale grey background with a teal line down the middle. Pink box on the left contains the heading "Impairment" and beneath this is the text "A person's individual difference such as being deaf or visually impaired. Impairments can be physical, cognitive or sensory." On the other side of the teal line, pink box with the heading "Disability" with text below reading "The social consequence of disabling barriers faced by people who have impairments. Recognising that disability is socially constructed means barriers can be removed." Black text.

Personal Experience

The Social Model of Disability does not look to erase the experience of having an impairment. 

But it emphasises that inequality, ableism and exclusion are not consequences of having an impairment – rather, they are caused by the way society is organised.

In a Nutshell…

“The social model doesn’t deny the importance of impairment. It actually enables us to focus on our needs relating to impairment, because it means we can separate these out from the disabling barriers we experience.” 

– Jenny Morris

At Transreport

Our Passenger Assistance technology was designed by Disabled people for Disabled people. The process for requesting travel assistance should be simple, humanised, and inclusive. 

When you use Passenger Assistance, we are focused on accommodating access needs and reducing barriers. You will never be asked to disclose specific information about a medical condition or impairment. 

A set of teal speech marks top left on a pale grey background. Central quote reads "a person is disabled when he or she is socially prevented from full participation by the way society is arranged" in black and pink font with "- Vic Finkelstein" below in black font.

Easy Read Version

Graphic of a yellow lightbulb radiating light. Text to the right reads "The Social Model says disability and impairment are different." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a woman's side profile. She has blue hair a pink shirt and a hearing aid. Text to the right reads "Impairment is a person's difference. For example, being deaf or visually impaired." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of an orange barrier with an orange and white striped sign. Text to the right reads "People with impairments might have barriers in the world around them. Barriers make you less able to take part. This is called disability." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a woman with a short sleeved blue collared shirt and brown hair, speaking into a white megaphone and holding a white picket sign. Text to the right reads "This does not mean people do not have impairments. People can change or remove barriers." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Pink graphic of 2 cupped hands with 3 people icons above. Text to the right reads "People are left out when the world has barriers. Removing barriers means we can all be included." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Teal Passenger Assistance logo. Text to the right reads "Our Passenger Assistance technology was made by Disabled people for Disabled people." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Teal graphic of 2 hands holding a heart shape. Text to the right reads "You will never be asked to give medical information when you use Passenger Assistance. Passenger Assistance lets you tell people what you need for safe and simple travel." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.