The Social Model Matters

Part 5 of 5 in our Social Model of Disability Blog Series…

Click here to jump to Easy Read version.

Central heading reads "The Social Model Matters". "Matters" is in pink font and the rest of the heading is in black. Text beneath reads "Part 5 of 5 in our Social Model series..." in black. Circular photo top right of a hand holding a white and gold sign that reads "let's get social" in all capitals and black font. Passenger Assistance logo top left, a teal P with Passenger Assistance to its right in black text. Pale grey background.

Challenging Problematic Models

The Social Model moves us away from the Medical and Charity Models of Disability. 

It shifts the focus from impairments to our collective societal obligation to remove barriers to access, and create an equitable world that is inclusive of everyone. 

At Transreport

We believe travel should be equitable. Everyone should have access to the same richness of experience when travelling. 

We envision a world where travel experiences are accessible, and technology solutions work alongside inclusion in action. 

The Social Model of Disability underpins our approach as we continue to strive for accessible travel for each and every customer.

Teal speech marks top left. Central quote reads "'Disability' is the oppression and inequality that people with impairments experience as a result of these barriers, and it is possible to envisage a society in which these barriers are overcome." in black and pink font with "-Jenny Morris" beneath in black font. Pale grey background.

Easy Read Version

Graphic of 8 hands creating a heart shape, with each hand wearing a different colourful patterned sleeve. Text to the right of the graphic reads "The Social Model is different from the Medical and Charity Models of Disability. It talks about removing barriers so everyone can take part." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of 3 people working together in an office: A lady with blonde hair who is a wheelchair user and is smiling, wearing a purple suit and working at a desk with a laptop on; a man with a yellow jumper, purple trousers and ginger hair, pointing at an orange graph on a purple presentation board and smiling; and a woman in a purple cardigan with a yellow headscarf, leaning forwards over a purple folder on the desk and smiling. Text to the right of the graphic reads "The Social Model says everyone should get what they need to take part in the world." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Teal P Passenger Assistance logo. Text to the right reads "At Transreport, we think everyone should be able to enjoy travel." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a green suitcase with a yellow handle and yellow straps, patterned with mint green planes, pink hearts and yellow sunshines. Text to the right of the graphic reads "Travel should be safe and enjoyable." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of 2 hands in pink sleeves cupping a heart shape that is patterned in blue and green like a globe, with smaller pink hearts surrounding it. Text to the right of the graphic reads "We want a world where travel is easier for everyone." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.