Defining Barriers

Part 4 of 5 in our Social Model of Disability Blog Series…

Click here to jump to Easy Read version.

Central heading reads "Defining Barriers" in black and pink font on a pale grey background with "Part 4 of 5 in our Social Model series..." underneath in black. Circular photo top right of a hand holding a white and gold sign reading "Let's get social" in all capitals and black font. Passenger Assistance logo top left, a teal P with Passenger Assistance to its right in black font.


The Social Model of Disability outlines that environmental and social barriers have a disabling impact on people with impairments. 

These barriers prevent access and perpetuate discrimination and exclusion. 

An inclusive society is an accessible society. Dismantling disabling barriers is therefore imperative for social equity. 

Top central heading reads "Categories" with 3 teal bubbles arranged below in an upside down triangle shape. The top left bubble reads "Physical", the bubble to its right reads "Attitudinal" and the bubble below reads "Informational". Black text and a pale grey background.

  • Physical barriers relate to the physical environment, e.g. building infrastructure, aisle width, lack of step-free access. 
  • Attitudinal barriers refer to people’s perceptions of disability and include ableism, both conscious and internalised.  
  • Informational barriers relate to communication. For example, the absence of a BSL interpreter at an event, or lack of alt text on images. 
  • These are just three barrier categories – there are many more and they often intersect!

At Transreport

The purpose of our Passenger Assistance technology is to reduce barriers that Disabled and older people face when travelling. 

Technology and innovation play an important role in fostering inclusion. Our technology is not a solution for an inaccessible society. 

It provides an additional option for communicating access needs, to empower choice and communication.

Easy Read Version

Graphic of a yellow and black striped barrier with a red no entry sign in a white circle in the middle. Text to the right of the graphic reads "The Social Model says people are disabled by barriers in the world around them. A barrier is something which makes you less able to take part." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a man with short brown hair, a white shirt, blue trousers and brown shoes, breaking through a brick wall with a sledgehammer and smiling. Text to the right of the graphic reads "We need to remove barriers so everyone can take part." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a white wheelchair ramp inside a blue circle. Text to the right of the graphic reads "There are lots of different barriers. One could be physical barriers. Like no step-free access for wheelchair users." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a woman with short dark curly hair, an orange t-shirt, blue trousers and orange shoes, standing with one hand on her hip and the other outstretched pointing at someone. Her mouth is open as if she is shouting and she wears an angry expression. Text to the right of the graphic reads "What people think and feel can also be a barrier. They make think disability is bad." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a purple and green photo icon overlapping a yellow square with black lines on that represents paper with writing on. Text to the right of the graphic reads "Barriers can also be about the way we write and talk. Like not saying what a photo is with words. Or not having a choice in how we get information." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Graphic of a venn diagram with 3 overlapping circles labelled A, B and C. Circle A is red, B is yellow and C is blue. Text to the right of the graphic reads "There are lots of different barriers. Some people may have more than one barrier." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.
Teal P Passenger Assistance logo. Text to the right reads "We created our Passenger Assistance technology to reduce barriers for Disabled and older people when travelling." Black text on a white background with a teal frame.